Friday, November 11, 2005

This week the All Blacks visited the birthplace of the 1905 Captain Dave Gallaher.The strength and persona of the player and the soldier links the closeness of the day with Armistace day.

A fitting tribute can be found here

The leader who was to fall at Passchendale in 1917 was a man who played the game.

They are making men where the grey stone school
Looks out on the broad green vale.
Can you hear the call? Can you hear the call?
Now, School! Now, School! Play up!
There's many a knock and many a fall
For those who follow a Rugger ball;
But hark! - can you hear it? Over all
-Now, School! Now, School! Play up!

They are fighting still to the grand old rule,
That heart and courage must never fail -
If they fall, there are more where the grey stone school
Looks out on the broad green vale.
Can you hear the call? Can you hear the call
That drowns the roar of Krupp?
There are many who fight and many who fall
Where the big guns play at the Kaiser's ball,
But hark! - can you hear it? Over all
-Now, School! Now, School! Play up!

Rugby Football by Eric Wilkinson


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