Sunday, April 16, 2006

How natural competition and attributes prevent sexual equality in employment

There is a lot of trumpet blowing in both the MSM and blogs over the high positions attained in public and in business leadership.Equally the uninformed say that the level of intergration and attainment of high positions in business is unfair to woman as the demographics suggest that there should be an equal proportion.

As companies face competition from globalisation,and the producers specialise more in their core business the competiton for areas of specialisation becomes global,and the natural data variances of competittion for available slots preclude the increase of employment opportunity.

As the president of Harvard found out observations of reality is not always an objective exercise.

"It does appear that on many, many different human attributes-height, weight, propensity for criminality, overall IQ, mathematical ability, scientific ability-there is relatively clear evidence that whatever the difference in means-which can be debated-there is a difference in the standard deviation, and variability of a male and a female population. And that is true with respect to attributes that are and are not plausibly, culturally determined."

The above statement costing Harvard 50m in subsidies to provide gender equality.

La Griffe du Lion in Prodigys journal has both quantified the data as pertaining to mathematical attributes with an interesting abstract and set of alogrithims.

The scientific literature abounds with studies of cognitive sex differences. From them we learn that cognitive gender gaps appear early in life, that girls display greater verbal ability, boys greater mathematical ability, that the mathematics gap increases gradually with age until the onset of puberty, when a rapid increase brings it to full flower by mid-adolescence. And that two features characterize the gap -- a higher male mean and a greater male variance.

As the competiton for slots increases we see less opportunity not more as say the competition increases at 100 competitors per slot, more than 70 percent of slot holders are male. At 1000 competitors per slot, men fill 80 percent of the slots. At 1 million we expect that the slots will be filled by men at 91 percent.


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